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I like to collect reference for my armies to help out with the painting process.  I've started putting together a couple of Pinterest pages for upcoming and ongoing projects:

Grey Knights
Alpha Legion

Here's a full album of Samurai Armor from a local museum visit.

And some Aztec/Mayan reference for Seraphon/ Lizardmen

Whenever I travel, I try to keep an eye open for cool and interesting surfaces and I take a picture to keep them as reference for future art projects. Until now I never really had a place to put those pictures so they always end up buried in the depths of my hard drive. No more! This is where I'll start placing those pictures so that everyone can benefit from them.  I'll try to keep them loosely organized now, but that will happen more as the collection grows and categories emerge. Hope you find them useful/ inspirational.

Please forgive the awful formatting. Blogger's layout tools are just terrible. Seriously, it's like wrestling a jellyfish trying to place images in anything but one vertical column. I don't feel like spending hours brushing up on my HTML to get them laid out nicely right now. That's a project for another day.


Airplane wing

That's on pretty much every GW Building, right?

Buildings and Natural surfaces:

Old wood is grey.

Bricks are not red.  Look how many colors. 


Neon at Night
Neon by day

note subtle colors on ceiling cast from windows

Obligatory legal: All images are copyright The Hammer of Wrath 2014 and are available for personal use only.

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