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Friday, November 7, 2014

SHOWCASE: Aegis Defense Line and Imperial Pilot

Deet posted his Aegis last week, and as I needed something to fill in for Darian's post while he's busy with Star Citizen, I thought I'd share mine.

I completed this defense line ages ago, but never got around to shooting a showcase for it. While it doesn't stack up to Deet's work (not much does) it still came out pretty well, I think.

The kit is a bit of a mess, as the sprue gates and parting lines are pretty pronounced on these old tools. A little cleanup, though, and the whole thing paints up rather quickly.

I applied an airbrush base of vallejo sick green, then dry brushed sick green and white for a highlight pass. I think airbrushed a light dusting of vallejo beasty brown from the bottom, to create the battlefield grime. Lastly, I washed the recessed with an oil wash.

I've had this imperial pilot forever. He came with the 4th edition starter set, Battle for Macragge. He doesn't really serve a purpose in a force org chart, but he sure has been the center of a lot of tugs of war as the objective marker in several games!



  1. Ugh...I apologize to the readers and posters for not being able to consistently fulfill my obligation to this amazing blog with well-timed posts and less than optimal photos. I hope once things slow down a bit and we get this game out the door finally I can dedicate time and take some better photos and better tutorials as this audience deserves the kind of quality this blog is known for.

  2. Thanks for your efforts Darian. Just concentrate on making star citizen the best game it can be!

  3. No sweat at all, man. Sometimes life gets in the way of hobby time.
