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Monday, January 12, 2015

SHOWCASE: Necron Overlord

 A gallery of images of my completed Necron Lord.

I finished my Necron Lord from the Command Barge kit in mid November. You can see a work in progress post HERE.

When I decided to start a Necron force, I was happy to learn that the Command Barge kit included a plastic Overlord - a first for the army. My hate for finecast knows no bounds.

I did a minor conversion on this model and substituted the standing legs for a pair of walking legs to make the model more dynamic. It's a great model with an imposing posture.

I used the new GW technical paint, Agrellan Earth to create cracked, desert bases. Combined with a piece of cork for rocks, and midland tufts, I think it makes a convincing scene.



  1. Nice. We need to get a game in!

  2. Loving your Necrons, a great inspiration for my own 'blue' ones which are coming along nicely. Great stuff again.

    1. checked your blog - those look great! Probably would have done blue on mine if my main marine force wasn't already blue. gotta switch colors up, or I go a little stir crazy.

  3. Your necrons are just so vibrant and clean. Such nice work. I never understood why they didn't sell that lord separately...I gander we'll get him with as a new clamshell now, at 20 bucks...when he costs 33 in the barge set :).

    1. thanks. decided my dynasty would be one that awoke nearly unscathed, in ascendency, as opposed to rusting and going insane.

    2. Greg the Prophet! (Except I think its US $28)

  4. Gotta get me a game in against you're crons eventually too.
    I really hope the new dex will introduce some relics from the necron/ eldar war.
