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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

WIP: Dark Angels Primaris Army - Part 14: Azrael Conversion Complete

Now that I've completed this, GW should announce a new, official model any day now...

That took some doing. Converted almost a year ago, but sat unpainted until the itch struck last week. Painted it up over the course of two days.

I kept the model separate from the base for ease, but I really should have kep the wing pack off as well. It was a total pain in the arse to get to the feathers and shoulder pauldrons.

Haven't finished the blade yet, as I can't be bothered to get my airbrush out of the closet. Still, happy with the result.



  1. Wow. Bravo! Very cool and convincing conversion for Azrael, and super cool paint work. Love it!

  2. Lovely conversion but be careful. You don't want to go Team Edward do you?
