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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

WIP: Dark Angels Primaris Army - Part 17: Primaris Chaplain complete

Vanity, kitbash be thy name.

Here he is, a $35 model turned into a $70 dollar model because I can't leave well enough alone. As detailed in the original post, I bought this kit with the DA interrogator chaplain kit, and bashed them together quite easily.

Makes for a unique conversion, and turns the generic Primaris Chaplain into something very appropriate for the Dark Angels.

Of course, the primaris chaplain can't bring a power fist, but eh, we can ignore that and say his absolver bolt pistol is in his holster. Of course, I can always run him as a regular interrogator chaplain, and just remember he doesn't have the extra attack. Outside of that, the stat lines are the same.

I HATE painting black armor. You have to painstakingly panel line every detail to keep it from being a drab, black hole of nothingness, and it sucks. I tried something new here, and dry brushed the black areas with a dark blue, then washed them in nuln oil, but it just looked like an ashy mess. -- So I had to redo it.

Again, I should have kept the model separate from the base, but I got anxious to see the completed miniature, and put myself in a difficult spot. Painting, washing and dry brushing the base was a challenge once I had carefully airbrushed the cloak. But a little poster tack insured the coat remained untouched, and I moved on from there.  Lots of fun little details on this one, without being too much.

Really happy with how this turned out.
