Tuesday, April 7, 2020

H.O.W. TO: $15 Primaris Eliminators

$50 for three models?! Fuck that.

I try not to bitch about GW's pricing model too much on this blog. I really do... but goddamn. Sometimes they pull some shit like this, and it makes me boil.

I work in the toy industry. I can tell you how much it would cost to create these models within a nickel, and the usual prices are already a gouge, but stuff like this?

So it's time to stick it to the man.

Step 1:
Buy the $50 box of Eliminators, and grit your teeth. (get it on amazon for $40)

Image result for primaris eliminators

Step 2:
Buy the $15 dollar box of Easy-to-Assemble Primaris Reivers.

Image result for easy to build reivers

Step 3. Snip the cloaks from the sprue and use Oyamaru to make press molds. You can learn more about this HERE.

Step 4: Use green stuff to make duplicate capes from the molds.

Step 5: Assemble your real eliminators in the configuration you want.

Step 6: Use the leftover bits to create another three Eliminators. The kit contains six sniper rifles (for various poses) three las fusils, and a stalker bolter. It also includes 9 heads. There's way more than enough stuff here to build another squad.

Step 7: Cleanup, trim and glue on the greenstuff capes. You may need to sculpt additional details where they join the model. Don't forget the drape over the power pack.

VIOLA! You've just made an additional three Eliminators for $15! Now go buy another box of reivers and make a third squad from the leftover bits!


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