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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

WIP: Dark Angels Primaris Army - Part 24: INDOMITUS begins

Even the longest journey begins with a single step.

Good lord, that's a lot of plastic. I'm no stranger to larger box sets, but this one gave me pause. I've started on the marines first, as I know how I'm going to paint them, and it's familiar territory. I've assembled all of them but the bikes -- I'm holding out for the supplement this fall to see if I can turn them into something akin to HQs, and fancy 'em up with the upgrade sprue. They're gonna look good in black, though.

I needed to create my cathedral bases, as detailed HERE, and it's time consuming. I only have enough Oyamaru molds to create 6 or so at a time, and I have to wait for the greenstuff to cure. Still, beats paying $40 for a box of GW bases every time I need to do this. No idea what I'm going to do for the larger bike bases...

I've fully assembled the assault intercessors, and even managed a small kitbash-- this marine was turned into an additional Sgt. by chopping the plasma pistol from the spare Sgt. arm (the two sprues are duplicates) and adding the glancing shield from the duplicate chest. All of my Sgt.s and characters have hooded heads from puppets war.

I didn't fully assemble the other minis, leaving the shields off to make sure I could paint them without blocking anything. Did this with my Deathwing Knights and it made painting much less of a hassle.

As for the necrons, I'll start on them later. Not quite sure how I'm going to paint them, and don't want to jump in before I've made a solid style choice. Still, every time I see the destroyers on the sprue, they call to me...


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