Wednesday, April 29, 2015

WIP: Managing the tide (and a tease!)

I WILL ebb this tide!

VIDEOGAMES: Where my XB1 Neverwinter players at?!

Supplemental post today! If you play Neverwinter on Xbox One, send a friend request to GT: tripwire, and let me know! I've been playing for about a week now, and have a level 32 rogue. I've enjoyed the game solo, but am getting to the parts that need friends! Let's start a Hammer of Wrath guild!

And if you haven't started, it's free to download and play, with no paywall nonsense!


Monday, April 27, 2015

WIP: Alphas Freehand and Weathering Done

This is turning in to a marathon project, and I'm only working 6/22 figures. I'm pretty happy with how they're coming out though. Spent a lot of time on freehands and chipping. Let's check em out.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

REVIEW: Secret Weapon Miniatures Trench Works Basing Kit

Pic taken from Secret Weapon Miniatures

My new Alpha Legion army needed some suitably gritty bases.  Enter Secret Weapon's Trench Works kit.

Friday, April 17, 2015

WIP: Hey look, it's my Alphas again

Actually made a bit of progress on my first squad this week. Planning to get these done (except basing) by Sunday night.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015

WIP: Alpha Legion Progress

I've finally settled on my colors and am getting after painting these guys in earnest.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Games Workshop: Tokyo

As mentioned in last week's post, I had the chance to stop by the GW store while in Japan!

Monday, April 6, 2015

WIP: The Frustrating Alphas

Work and family have not been cooperative with my hobby time of late. It doesn't help that I'm really struggling with these Alpha Legion guys. Just not coming out how I want, and that makes me a lot less interested in sitting down at the table to paint.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Travel: Tokyo

I'm currently traveling in Japan with my family, showing off my son to the in-laws and enjoying the annual cherry blossoms. How pumped does that kid look to be in Tokyo? Amirite?!

I had the chance to stop by the games workshop store in Tokyo, at the famed Nakano Broadway mall. Although real estate is at a premium everywhere in Tokyo, the store still offered a full range of products for sale, a hobby station and a table for scheduled games.

you can see their facebook page HERE.

I was temped to pick something up, given the strength of the dollar against the yen, but decided against it - trying to keep that tide in check, you know? ;)


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

ANNOUNCEMENT: H.O.W. Expanding Its Scope- Brony Time!

After two plus years in the 40K hobby, Trip and I have decided to rededicate the site. Sure, we're still going to do Grimdark, but we're going to add a weekly feature on what really brought the two of us together: time to get our Twilight Sparkle on!